Stresspaint Malware Found Stealing Facebook Credentials and Sessions Cookies


Stresspaint malware is reported of stealing Facebook login credentials and session cookies. This has been recently detected by Security Experts who have warned users since this malware has been reported for the harvesting Facebook user’s login details and the Session Cookies. As reported , this malware infected over 40,000 Computers and stolen several thousands of Facebook login credentials within 12th April to 16th April 2018 . According to the Radware researchers, this malware mostly affected the System users who resided in Russia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Pakistan, Italy and Ukraine.

Stresspaint Malware Spreads via Reliable Stress Paint Tool

Stresspaint malware usually is found hidden inside the cost-free Windows System application dubbed as ‘Relieve Stress Paint”. This paint application seems as a useful and legitimate spread via domain that uses the Unicode characters however in reality it is just a simple paint tool that causes more damages inside the machine. Upon the successful installation, this tool is downloading Stresspaint malware and creates Desktop\\RelieveStressPaint.lnk entry on the desktop screen. The entry usually stands for shortcut in order to launch the application, clicking on the shortcut and launching application will unfortunately victimized your PC by Stresspaint.

Reasons Why Users Experienced With Stresspaint Malware

Stresspaint often enables tracking software and gather the users Facebook login credentials like their login details and password. Once it successfully exposed your login detail, it connect to account and the steal detail including the friends of Facebook, account activity, payment method configuration and much more. The malware distributors often applies the filters to attack people having Facebook accounts with the saved passwords or the Amazon payment section. If users confirm to requirements, Stresspaint Malware is being executed and runs the script, it installs the dubious Registry key that help such a malware to remain persistent on PC without any notice and steal victims all personal data.

Next Target of Stresspaint Malware Can be Amazon

Being a member of the Trojan infection, the creators of Stresspaint malware don’t seem to confine themselves to the Facebook. According to the security experts, the next target of Stresspaint might be credentials of the Amazon users. They discovered that that hackers manges widespread of Relieve Stress Paint tool is highly infected with the Stresspaint malware extorting the Facebook data using open-source Chinese CMS known as the Layuivms2.0. After the depth analysis, security analysts was noticed that panel doesn’t only displayed the metrics of malware attacks and the data leaked of Facebook but it also contain a section which reported same data regarding the Amazon. Thus, it is expected that Stresspaint Malware might target and make Amazon users its victims.

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