Deleting Matrix-PRCP Ransomware Manually

Warning, many anti-virus scanner have detected Matrix-PRCP Ransomware as threat to your computer
Matrix-PRCP Ransomware is flagged by these Anti Virus Scanner
Anti Virus Software Version Detection
WhiteArmor 2018.5.4802 General
ESET-NOD32 6.6.813352 Trj.Win64.Matrix-PRCP Ransomware.CC
Baidu 2.632141 Variant of Win32/Trojan.Matrix-PRCP Ransomware.A
zvelo 7.5.825 NetZip, DLSearchBar
Suggestion: Uninstall Matrix-PRCP Ransomware Completely – Free Download

Matrix-PRCP Ransomware may have entered your pc through these software. If you have not installed them , then get rid of them OE2vCard.html 1.0 , App for Gmail – Pro 1.1 , My DVD Library 2.3 , Wallpapers HD Lite , Display Maestro , iWeb Enhancer 2.0 , FaxBee 1.5 , PSPaudioware PSP 2Meters v2.0.2 , Mr.TimeOut 3.1 , X-Words Deluxe 3.0.6 , Graph 12.1.1 , Realgrain 2.0.0 , Interrogate 0.7.5 , JobTimer , kpdecode 0.1


Matrix-PRCP Ransomware

Threat Analysis Of Matrix-PRCP Ransomware

Matrix-PRCP Ransomware is a malicious program that has file encrypting capabilities and is used to receive ransom money from affected users. The ransomware was discovered recently and is believed to be a variant of its predecessor Ransomware. It has been found to be widely spreading through spam mails that are successful in deceiving users and making them believe that the contents within the mail are genuine. The ransomware immediately downloads its payload files from remote servers that are initiated through the scripts within the spam mails. Matrix-PRCP Ransomware can encrypt files of various kinds and has been observed to add an extension which seems valid to those infected files. This makes it different from other ransomware who are typically known to make the encrypted files prominent by adding their own names. The malware uses AES-128 and RSA-2048 encryption algorithm to successfully encrypt the files. Immediately after this process it sends the private decryption key to command and control center server of cyber-criminals. The files encrypted by Matrix-PRCP Ransomware cannot be used by users to read or make changes within. They can only be copied, moved or deleted by users. The ransomware leaves a ransom note named as ‘READ_ME.txt’ that informs users about the attack. The contents of the ransom note do not specify the ransom amount that needs to be paid by users in exchange of the decryption key that is promised to help them in recovering their file. However it does specify few email contacts that users may use to reach out for striking a negotiation. Affected users may think that this is the only alternative available to them to restore their encrypted data and should contact Matrix-PRCP Ransomware developers. But this is not true as they will find in the instructions given below.

Matrix-PRCP Ransomware can infect a system when users receive a spam mail that has been specially designed to deceive them. The mails that are circulated carrying the ransomware have documents that are embedded with macros. The subject line of these messages are used to catch receiver’s attention by using words such as product invoice, account details, ticket information and use design templates of reputed firms. When users click on these documents they are asked for permission to enable complete reading of the text which hides the macros within. Soon after users click on these the payload is downloaded and executed within the system to carryout the encryption process. Matrix-PRCP Ransomware can also delete shadow volume but users can still recover their files by following these instructions.

What To Do If Your PC Get Infected By Matrix-PRCP Ransomware

The ransomware infection has been mainly designed with the purpose to scare users and trick their money. It take your files on hostage and demand ransom to return your important data. But now the question is what you can do when your system got infected by Matrix-PRCP Ransomware virus? Here are some option that you can use to get rid of this nasty infection.

Don’t Panic – Well the first thing is Don’t panic and then completely check out your system for any working files. If you got any working files then copy it to USB drive.

Pay Ransom – Other option is you can pay the ransom and wait to get your files back. (really a bad option)


Use Backup – Clean you entire system files, remove the infection completely from your PC and restore your files with any backup.

Remove Infection – You can also delete Matrix-PRCP Ransomware virus using malware removal tool and remove all the infected files. You can later recover all your data by using any data recovery tool. (In case you don’t have backup of your files.) – Recommended Method.

Reinstall Windows – The last option is reinstall your Windows OS. It will completely remove all your data as well as infection. You will get a completely new infection free PC.

How To Remove Matrix-PRCP Ransomware Virus From Your PC

Step 1Boot your computer in Safe mode.

Step 2 – Remove the infected registry entry files.

  • Click Windows Flag and R button together.


  • Type “regedit” and click OK button


  • Find and delete following entries.



HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain “Default_Page_URL”

HKEY_LOCAL_Machine\Software\Classes\[Matrix-PRCP Ransomware]

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\[Matrix-PRCP Ransomware]

Step 3 – Remove From msconfig

  • Click Windows + R buttons simultaneously.


  • Type msconfig and press Enter


  • Go to Startup tab and uncheck all entries from unknown manufacturer.


Step 4 – Restart your computer normally.

Check your computer now. If the virus has gone then you can start using your computer. If the infection still remains then head to the next step.

Step 5 – System Restore

  • Insert Windows installation disk to CD drive and restart your PC.
  • While system startup, keep pressing F8 or F12 key to get boot options.
  • Now select the boot from CD drive option to start your computer.
  • Then after you will get the System Recovery Option on your screen.
  • Select the System Restore option from the list.
  • Choose a nearest system restore point when your PC was not infected.
  • Now follow the option on your screen to Restore your computer.

If the above manual methods didn’t removed Matrix-PRCP Ransomware virus then you have only option to remove infection using a malware removal tool. It is last and the only option that can easily and safely remove this nasty threat from your computer.


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