All You Need To Know About Torpig
Torpig is one of the most noxious Trojan virus which has been identified back in year 2005. Since then, malware researchers managed to shut the malware for more than 12 years. But now, the creators of this Trojan has released the newer version in order to attack the Windows computer users. It is also known as a threat which belongs to the family of most noxious Sinowal and Anserin Trojan family. These viruses are responsible for extorting user’s personal and confidential details like passwords, credit card information, login data and other crucial details. Besides, this activity of the Torpig virus allows its developers to take complete control over the affected machine in order to perform other illicit tasks to gain benefit via illegal ways.
Furthermore, it proliferates over the Internet with the help of the computer already infected with a rootkit named Mebroot. Users of Windows older versions’ operating system like XP, Vista, or 7 should be extremely careful with the intrusion of Torpig virus and the users of Mac operating system are immune to this malware. Once it manages to infect your machine, the threat makes the installed anti-virus program useless. As a result, the utility won’t help you to detect the first sign or symptom of this notorious Trojan and you will be unable to scan your device by using pre-installed anti-virus tool. It also has the ability to block your access to security related domains and makes other crucial applications completely useless.
What are the malicious effects of Torpig?
In addition to above mentioned consequences, the malware can modify pre-set value on your affected machine, disable some legit processes, delete crucial files or even encode the valuable files stored onto the system. If the Torpig manages to detect the credentials saved on your computer, it allows cyber criminals to remotely access your system and steal confidential data for illicit purposes. As a result, you may encounter the massive leakage of your confidential data. That is why, it is very important to get rid of this Trojan as early as possible. You can perform its removal by a powerful anti-malware scanner. By running your system in Safe Mode, you can use the Torpig removal utility provided below in this article and it will help you eliminate this Trojan and all its associated harmful components easily from your system.
>>Free Download Torpig Scanner<<
Steps to Remove Torpig
Step 1>> How to Boot Windows in Safe Mode to isolate Torpig
Step 2>> How to View Hidden Files created by Torpig
for Windows XP
- Exit all Program and Go to Desktop
- Select My Computer icon and Double Click to Open it
- Click on the Tools Menu and now select and Click on Folder Options.
- Select on View Tab that appears in New Window.
- Check mark on the box next to Dispaly the Contents of System Folders
- Now Check the box in order to Show Hidden Files and Folders
- Now press on Apply and OK to close the Window.
- As soon as these steps are performed, you can view the files and folders that were created by Torpig and hidden till now.
for Windows Vista
- Minimize all Window and Go to Desktop
- Click on the Start Button which can be found in lower lef Corner having Windows Logo
- Click on the Control Panel on the Menu and Open it
- Control Panel can be opened in Classic View or Control Panel Home View.
- If you have Selected Classic View, follow this
- Double Click on the Folder icon to open it
- Now select the view tab
- Click on Option to Show Hidden Files or Folders
- If you have Selected Control Panel Home View, follow this
- Appearance and Personalization link is to be Clicked
- Select on Show Hidden Files or Folders
- Press Apply Option and then Click on OK.
This will Show all the Folders including those created by Torpig
Know how to view Hidden Folders on Windows 7, Win 8 and Windows 10
(Following the above steps are necessary to view all the files created by Torpig and that is known to exist on Compromised PC.)
- Open the Run Box by holding together the Start Key and R.
- Now Type and input appwiz.cpl and press on OK
- This will take you to the Control Panel, Now Search for Suspicious programs or any entries related to Torpig. Unistall it once if you happen to find it. However be sure not to Uninstall any other program from the list.
- In the Search Field, Type msconfig and press on Enter, this will pop-up a Window
In the Startup Menu, Uncheck all the Torpig related entries or which are Unknown as Manufacturer.
Step 3>> Open the Run Box by Pressing Start Key and R in Combination
- Copy + Paste the following Command as
- notepad %windir%/system32/Drivers/etc/hosts and press on OK
- This will Open a new file. If your system has been hacked by Torpig, certain IP’s will be displayed which can be found in the bottom of the screen.
Look for the suspicious IP that is present in your Localhost
Step 4>> How to Terminate Torpig Running Processes
- Go the Processes Tab by pressing on CTRL+SHIFT+ESC Keys Together.
- Look for the Torpig Running Processes.
- Right Click on Torpig and End the Process.
Step 5>> How to Remove Torpig Related Registry Entries
- Open Registry by Typing Regedit in the Run box and Hit Enter Key
- This will open all the list of entries.
- Now Find and search the entries created by Torpig and cautiously delete it.
- Alternatively, you can manually search for it in the list to delete Torpig Manually.
Unfortunately, if you are unable to remove Torpig, Scan your PC Now
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