Need to Delete Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware From Windows PC

Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware Description


During online research we got to know that Kamil (user name used on forum) submitted sample of Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware. Kamil may be a programmer who is working on a customized build of HiddenTear – open source project. The sample found online runs in the background of infected computer as 'Important.exe; and manages to encrypt data without crashing on the compromised computer. When data encryption is completed, you see ransom text in a program window named 'Your Files Have Been Blocked'. Experts say that this new ransomware is poorly coded and lacks the advanced Anti-detection mechanism literally.

remove Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware

Evidently, Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware is capable of encoding only 20 types of files. It mostly includes files generated by commercial software like Adobe Photoshop, ERP 9.0, Visual Studio, Adobe Dreamweaver and more. Hence, it is possible that you might loss your important files permanently. Luckily, it is not programmed to delete Shadow Volume Copies or Windows backup from compromised computer. Though, it is possible that you can retrieve your encoded files using System Restore or Professional Data Recovery software. It demands $50 in Bitcoins as ransom to provide decryptor ( or private key) whereas you can buy Data Recovery Software using following guide.

Prevention Tips Against Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware

Usually, the ransomware arrives onto your computer when you carelessly double click spam email attachments or shorten links. So, it is essential that you avoid clicking attachments that look suspicious or arrived from unverified sources. Such emails always carry exploit kit, trojan dropper, payload, macro-enabled document and other suspicious files. Upon execution, it starts downloading components of the ransomware from certain server. You should always scan Pen drives or external drives before copying any files. Nowadays, some ransomware is being released with worm capabilities so that it can invade your computer over the same network that you are connected in. Next, it is important to keep an Antimalware software installed onto your each computer. Please note that only updated security software can provide instant protection against newly released threats.

Finally, we recommend you to delete Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware from your contaminated computer using following guide:

Free Scan your Windows PC to detect Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware



What To Do If Your PC Get Infected By Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware

The ransomware infection has been mainly designed with the purpose to scare users and trick their money. It take your files on hostage and demand ransom to return your important data. But now the question is what you can do when your system got infected by Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware virus? Here are some option that you can use to get rid of this nasty infection.

Don’t Panic – Well the first thing is Don’t panic and then completely check out your system for any working files. If you got any working files then copy it to USB drive.

Pay Ransom – Other option is you can pay the ransom and wait to get your files back. (really a bad option)

Use Backup – Clean you entire system files, remove the infection completely from your PC and restore your files with any backup.

Remove Infection – You can also delete Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware virus using malware removal tool and remove all the infected files. You can later recover all your data by using any data recovery tool. (In case you don’t have backup of your files.) – Recommended Method.

Reinstall Windows – The last option is reinstall your Windows OS. It will completely remove all your data as well as infection. You will get a completely new infection free PC.

How To Remove Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware Virus From Your PC

Step 1Boot your computer in Safe mode.

Step 2 – Remove the infected registry entry files.

  • Click Windows Flag and R button together.


  • Type “regedit” and click OK button


  • Find and delete following entries.



HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain “Default_Page_URL”

HKEY_LOCAL_Machine\Software\Classes\[Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware]

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\[Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware]

Step 3 – Remove From msconfig

  • Click Windows + R buttons simultaneously.


  • Type msconfig and press Enter


  • Go to Startup tab and uncheck all entries from unknown manufacturer.


Step 4 – Restart your computer normally.

Check your computer now. If the virus has gone then you can start using your computer. If the infection still remains then head to the next step.

Step 5 – System Restore

  • Insert Windows installation disk to CD drive and restart your PC.
  • While system startup, keep pressing F8 or F12 key to get boot options.
  • Now select the boot from CD drive option to start your computer.
  • Then after you will get the System Recovery Option on your screen.
  • Select the System Restore option from the list.
  • Choose a nearest system restore point when your PC was not infected.
  • Now follow the option on your screen to Restore your computer.

If the above manual methods didn’t removed Your Files Have Been Blocked ransomware virus then you have only option to remove infection using a malware removal tool. It is last and the only option that can easily and safely remove this nasty threat from your computer.


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