Possible Steps For Deleting Win32:BogEnt Susp from Windows 7

Win32:BogEnt Susp is a Keylogger
Trojan Dropped by Win32:BogEnt Susp are Jadtre.B, Trojan:Win32/Hiloti.gen!A, Trojan.Win32.Sasfis.uak, TROJ_SWYSYN.SME, LoveTester, Blackout, IRC-Worm.Melanie, SpywareQuaked, Lamin.A, Spammer.Sality.A, Fruit Worm, Trojan.Crypt.cri
Related spyware YazzleSudoku, Active Key Logger, VirusSchlacht, Rlvknlg.exe, ISShopBrowser, Web3000, Boss Watcher, Rogue.Pestbot, DssAgent/Brodcast, Conducent, Spyware.SpyMyPC!rem
Windows Error caused by Win32:BogEnt Susp are – 0x0000011C, 0x0000008E, 0x00000015, 0xf081B CBS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE the processor architecture specified is not supported, 0x0000005C, 0x00000076, 0x00000064, 0x80240034 WU_E_DOWNLOAD_FAILED Update failed to download., 0x8024001F WU_E_NO_CONNECTION Operation did not complete because the network connection was unavailable., 0x80244002 WU_E_PT_SOAPCLIENT_OUTOFMEMORY Same as SOAPCLIENT_OUTOFMEMORY – SOAP client failed because it ran out of memory., 0x8024800E WU_E_DS_ROWEXISTS The row was not added because an existing row has the same primary key.
Win32:BogEnt Susp infects these windows .dll files apircl.dll, kbdth3.dll, keymgr.dll, WsmRes.dll, rtm.dll, iprtprio.dll, npdsplay.dll, IMSCTIP.dll, ftlx041e.dll, msidcrl30.dll, rasmxs.dll, dswave.dll, DU.dll

Win32:BogEnt Susp may have entered your pc through these software. If you have not installed them , then get rid of them Leawo Blu-ray to MKV Converter , Boom Recorder 8.5.0 , Nodescan Client 1.0b36 , Moo X 1.0 , xProDDNS , SemiAlt 1.0b2 , Smart Converter Pro 2.1.1 , SerGen 3.5 , Aiseesoft DVD Software Toolkit , AccuBeatMix 1.2.1


Win32:BogEnt Susp

Kill Win32:BogEnt Susp From PC Using Manual Guide

All Information Of Win32:BogEnt Susp

Win32:BogEnt Susp is a trojan virus which is considered as heuristic detection for computer systems. This vicious computer infection easily infects Windows system that has been designed by cyber criminals in such an analytic way that it penetrates into your PC without your permission. This penetration results in the transfer of crucial information such as IP address, login details, banking details, passwords, credit card and debit cards. A trojan virus infection is so critical that it can easily cause severe corruption issue in the targeted PC. The corruption is so severe that it can leads to loss of system files and important data. Typically, a trojan enters your PC in secret way such that no one notices its arrival on the targeted PC.

Win32:BogEnt Susp is one such deadly virus infection that it may slip into your system in form or either an executable file or some other packed stuff. When it comes in form of executable file, you normally ignore such type of application because you wonder that this application might have some important function on your PC. And when it arrives as free software then you did not notice it and its presence on the system. In both ways, trojan is given an opportunity to stay for longer time on the compromised PC.

Being a silent sneaker, penetration in the computer is silent and secret. You will remain unaware and the virus reaches to its destination folder. The moment Win32:BogEnt Susp is installed on your PC, it starts the destruction right away. However, the most devastating part about this cunning malware infection is that it can operate all kinds of malicious operations into the system and does not even require user’s permission. All the files it run gets executed automatically. These files are run simultaneously with the start of OS. Due to this cunning malware infection, it is very hard to perform all the functions and operations smoothly.

In the presence of the trojan virus, various types of problems start to occur and displays error messages on the screen. Further, Win32:BogEnt Susp conducts malicious activities to damage the OS completely. This decreases the system efficiency and response time that annoys the user most. It can easily disable essential components and running system applications. Hence, what is needed is to remove Win32:BogEnt Susp soon from your computer else it can lead to serious destruction.

How to Remove Win32:BogEnt Susp from Compromised PC (Manual Steps)

(This guide is intended to help users in following Step by Step instructions in making Windows Safe)


The first step which need to be followed is to Restart Windows PC in Safe Mode

Reboot in Safe Mode (For Windows XP | Vista | Win7)

  1. Restart Computer
  2. Tap on F8 continuously when the PC starts booting and select the option to enter Safe Mode with Networking.

safe mode

For Windows 8/8.1

  1. Press on the Start Button and then Choose Control Panel from the menu option
  2. Users need to opt for System and Security, to select Administrative Tools and then System Configuration.


3.  Next, Click on the Safe Boot option and then choose OK, this will open a pop-up window, next Select Restart Option.

For Windows 10

  1. Start Menu is to be selected to Open it
  2. Press the power button icon which is present in the right corner, this will display power options menu.
  3. Keeping the SHIFT Key pressed on the keyboard, select the restart option. This will reboot Win 10
  4. Now you need to select the Troubleshoot icon, followed by advanced option in the startup Settings. Click on Restart. This will give the option to reboot, now select Enter Safe Mode with Networking.

Step 2. Uninstall Win32:BogEnt Susp from Task Manager on Windows

How to End the Running Process related to Win32:BogEnt Susp using Task Manager

  1. Firstly, Open Task Manager by Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc in Combination
  2. Next, Click on processes to Find Win32:BogEnt Susp
  3. Now Click and select End Process to terminate Win32:BogEnt Susp.

task manager

Step3: How to Uninstall Win32:BogEnt Susp from Control Panel on Windows

for Win XP| Vista and Win 7 Users

  1. Click and Select on Start Menu
  2. Now Control Panel is to be selected from the list
  3. Next Click on Uninstall Program
  4. Users need to Choose suspicious program related to Win32:BogEnt Susp and right clicking on it.
  5. Finally, Select Uninstall option.





For Win 8

  • Click and Select “Charms bar
  • Now Select Settings Option
  • Next Click on Control Panel
  • Select on Uninstall a Program Option and right click on program associated to Win32:BogEnt Susp and finally uninstall it.



For Windows 10

  1. The first Step is to Click and Select on Start Menu
  2. Now Click on All Apps
  3. Choose Win32:BogEnt Susp and other suspicious program from the complete list
  4. Now right Click on to select Win32:BogEnt Susp and finally Uninstall it from Windows 10




Step: 4 How to Delete Win32:BogEnt Susp Created Files from Registry

  • Open Registry by Typing Regedit in the Windows Search Field and then press on Enter.
  • This will open the registry entries. Now users need to press CTRL + F together and type Win32:BogEnt Susp to find the entries.
  • Once located, delete all Win32:BogEnt Susp named entries. If you are unable to find it, you need to look up for it on the directories manually. Be careful and delete only Win32:BogEnt Susp entries, else it can damage your Windows Computer severely.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—–Random Directory. 
HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—-Windows—CurrentVersion—Run– Random
HKEY_CURRENT_USER—-Software—Microsoft—Internet Explorer—-Main—- Random


Still having any problem in getting rid of Win32:BogEnt Susp, or have any doubt regarding this, feel free to ask our experts.

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