How to fix The Recycle Bin on C:/ is corrupted error? If you are among those Windows users who are digging Internet for the same then relax, you have reached the right destination. Generally this error message is encountered by Windows 10 or 8 PC users. The error message suddenly appears when user tries to delete some files on computer by right clicking on file and selecting Remove option from appeared menu. The error not only prevents you from deleting file but also not allow you to recover deleted file.
What Causes The Recycle Bin on C:/ is corrupted Error?
However the main reason behind The Recycle Bin on C:/ is corrupted Error on Windows 10 is not known yet, but according to experts, the error occurs after installation of Windows update. But Windows update is not the only reason behind this annoying error, you can also encounter this error when your Recycle Bin is corrupted or get damaged due to malware attack. But whatever be the reason, here you will get solution to fix this disturbing error.
Solution To Mend The Recycle Bin on C:/ is corrupted Error
If you are also getting this error message then don’t worry. First of all you should scan your system for viruses or malware using anti-malware software. If this method not fixes the issue, try to erase permission and re-install Recycle bin that get corrupted.
Method 1: Run SFC and start elevated Command Prompt
- Click on Windows logo and chose Command Prompt (Admin)
- Then type sfc / scannow and press Enter key
- System File Checker will start and fix existing problem
- Then type type rd /s /q C:\$Recycle.bin and hit Enter
- Restart your PC and see if the problem is fixed or not
Method 2: Update Your Sound/Audio Drivers
Method 2: Re-install Recycle Bin After Removing Permission
- Go to Control panel and click file explorer option
- Click on View tab then unmark system protected operating files
- Open every drive and locate Recycle.bin folder and permissions
- Delete permissions and recycle.bin folders from each drive
- Restart system and right click on empty space
- Chose Personalize and open Themes
- Click on Desktop Icon settings and mark Recycle bin
- Click on Apply to save changes you made
Hopefully you will fix The Recycle Bin on C:/ is corrupted Error on Windows 10 after using the above troubleshooting method. In case your important files get deleted from Recycle bin then use some third party recovery software to restore them.